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Career Development Program

The biggest dilemma faced by students and youth today is to choose the right career which suits their Personality, Aptitude, Skills and interest apart from having a market potential. Earlier Career Counseling was done mostly under the influence of parents, teachers, peers who pursued the young minds to choose their career based on their lofty expectations. Most of the youth after graduating from schools and colleges find themselves lost or disinterested in the stream they had chosen. Career Counseling is not a child’s play and requires specialized and experienced counsellor, who can show the right direction to the students for a better and secure future ahead Mr Arun Bhatia is a renowned Career Counsellor who has shaped the career of many students with his astute guidance and experience. The Personality for a particular profession can only be developed if students are exposed to different career options, which is unfortunately missing. The demand for different careers change fast, technology and globalization play key roles, and often we are not ready for this change. According to Gallop Poll, more than 40% of the students after graduation do not get the desired job, 60% are highly underpaid, 48% are working in the areas which are not related to their academic qualification, and 80 % do not love what they do.

Career Development Program is our flagship program introduced in grade – 7 to identify hidden inherent talent, know the interests, aptitude and harness their potential in particular area.

  • Expose children to diverse experiences in school and
  • Support both intellectual and emotional
  • Help children to develop a „Growth Mindset‟ by praising
  • Work in collaboration with teachers and peers to accomplish challenging
  • Encourage them to take risks and face failures with open

1.KNOW YOURSELF- “I Discovery”

CDP starts at Grade 7 which is the right time to identify the child’s Aptitude, inherent talent, passion and know the academic strengths. Under our “I Discovery” session, Grade -7 Students sit for a MI- Multiple Intelligence Test based on Howard Gardener’s theory that all human beings have multiple intelligences. These multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened as child

2. Counsellor/Teacher Assessment: Our counsellors assess the academic report of each student to identify the strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject and design a plan to remove the deficiency in four broad

    • Mathematical skills
    • Communication
    • Life skills and Personality
    • Extra- curricular Activities in

3.Skill Enhancement: Students join school clubs based on their talent and interest to develop and polish their skill in the desired area like; art, music, robotics, Computers, NTSE, OLYMPIADS, ..

4. a) Canadian ESL Program: This program has been specifically designed to improve the listening, reading , speaking and writing skills in accordance with Canadian Curriculum to fulfill the demands of international education standards and study

   b)Govt jobs and Professional Exam Program: The program has been designed to give orientation and provide information regarding prestigious and professional exams such as UPSC, PPSC, SSC, Law, etc

  c)NTA Exams: Leading to IIT , Med.

5. Parent‟s Role: Parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and career decision- making. Parents want their children to find happiness and success in life and one factor which influences happiness and success is career choice. Research also indicates that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they have more confidence in their own ability to research careers and to choose a career that would be interesting and exciting. Parents influence the level of education or training that their children achieve; the knowledge they have about work and different occupations; the beliefs and attitudes they have to work/; and the motivation they have to succeed. Most of this is learned unconsciously – children and teenagers absorb their parents attitudes and expectations of them as they grow

Some of the key influencers are:

  • The expectations parents have for their children’s education and
  • The example they set for their
  • The values they show to their family, friends and to
  • The opportunities they offer their children to learn and
  • The kind of parent-child relationship they

6.Career Seminars: Students attend monthly Career seminars and informative workshops conducted by Professionals and Field Experts from diverse backgrounds in Law, Medicine, Defence, IT etc. Students interact with the experts and get their queries answered which further help in designing their road map for a suitable career.

7.Career Suitability Tests: Students sit for Career Aptitude tests from class 9 onwards depending on their readiness, clarity and confidence about the stream of their choice. These tests are scientifically designed with proven results to assess the career pathway of students.

8.Career Report to Parents: By the end of class X , students get a comprehensive report which is followed by one to one review meeting with parents to choose the most suitable stream in class 11 based on the aptitude, interest, academic performance, Test results and personality.

9.One-On-One Counselling Leading to Choose Career Plan (with CCS):


  1. MI Tests
  2. Teacher assessment
  3. Once a week different Career ways, like life of doctor, pilot, Army man, Banker
  4. Level wise * Skill enhancement School, like joining clubs and activities & CBSE Skill programs. Continue till 9th class end, or till sept of 10th class
  5. Parents Orientation and their Role
  6. Then choose any Broad Programs –
    • Canadian ESL
    • Govt jobs and Professional Exam
    • Science leading to NTA Exams/Program: leading to IIT, Med.
  7. Career Suitability Tests to Specialist Program (ccs).
  8. Career Report to Parents/Students by January end
  9. One-on-One and Group Counselling (ccs), from Level-2 Onwards.

Visit- *Level 1-7th grade , Level 2-8th Grade , Level 3-9th Grade ,Level 4-10th grade


Admission Enquiry 9914102064


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